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[新訊看板] Youtube即將推出線上剪輯影片功能 – Remixer

6/11日,Youtube創辦人 – 陳士俊應邀來台灣時說明未來Youtube即將著手朝手機平台發展,今天我們就在Youtube網站上看到了Remixer這個目前尚在測試中的新功能,官方說明如下

If you’ve ever uploaded from your cell phone, wished for an easy way to add titles and transitions, or just wanted to remix your own videos, Remixer is a great place to play. It lets you assemble your new video in an easy drag-and-drop timeline, and then publish it right back to YouTube. Your original videos will stay exactly the same.

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簡單來說,Remixer是種線上視訊編輯器,就像Windows內建的Movie Macker一樣擁有編輯影片的功能,未來就可以將手機錄下來的影片或照片上傳到Youtube後,透過Remixer來製作、剪輯成一部別緻的影片。Youtube不但要讓網友們分享影片,也要讓影片能在線上製作、剪輯。


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