[新訊看板] 好消息!FeedBurner完全免費啦!


FeedBurner被Google收購後,昨天終於發佈免費的消息,Pro帳戶從這個月開始也將不再收費,大家以後就可以免費使用FeedBurner所有的功能了!!Google大神真的太神了,被他買下來的服務幾乎沒有一項不變成免費的,舉凡大家常用的Picasa、GoogleEarth、Google Analytics、Blogger都是被Google買下來後成為免費使用的服務,時間關係,把官方發佈的文章貼在下方….晚點再來翻譯..

FreeBurner for Everyone


One of the many benefits that FeedBurner publishers will enjoy now that FeedBurner is part of the Google family is a little something we like to call, "more for free!" Beginning today, two of FeedBurner’s previously for-pay services, TotalStats and MyBrand, will be free. Not in the sense of soaring high above the clouds or recently sprung from the hoosegow, but free like you’ll no longer gladly be billed on Tuesday for a burned feed today. We suspect this will be welcome news to the 450,000+ of you using many of our other free services, but understanding that your feed is your feed, you will need to activate these newly freed-up services in order to partake in their awesomeness.

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FeedBurner Stats PRO
PRO is feed analytics taken to the next level. You will now have access to the number of people who have viewed or clicked individual content items in your feed and “Reach,” which estimates the daily number of subscribers who interacted with your feed content. You can turn this on by signing in to your account, navigating to the Analyze tab and heading to the FeedBurner Stats PRO section. Click the "Item Views" checkbox to activate these PRO features.

The MyBrand service (also PRO-level) is located under the "My Account" tab after you’ve signed in. MyBrand lets you maintain consistency between your feed address and your hosted website’s domain, if matchy-matchy is your thing. For example, rather than using feeds.feedburner.com/MyFeedName, your MyBrand-ed feed address can be feeds.myexcellentdomain.net/MyFeedName. To get started with MyBrand, sign into FeedBurner, click the "My Account" link in the upper left-hand corner, and then click "MyBrand". Nota Bene: You must be comfortable playing around with DNS entries and own the rights to the domain whose DNS entries you’ll be playing around with in order to successfully activate MyBrand.

Previous "PRO" customers will not be charged for the month of June 2007 and beyond. Also, after newly activating either of these features or services, you’ll notice a nifty new "PRO" badge next to your feed(s) on My Feeds page.

Welcome to FreeBurner!

3C科技部落客,硬是要學共同創辦人,台灣部落客社群(TBC)共同發起人。熱愛發掘、體驗及分享各類科技產品。 Email:werboy@soft4fun.net
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